Polish-born illustrator Mateusz Urbanowicz is known for his "Tokyo Storefronts" series, where he illustrates the charming old buildings of Tokyo. This popular illustration project, which gained attention online in 2016 and was featured in newspapers and on television, has finally been turned into a long-awaited book. In this book, you'll find a collection of 50 illustrations, including 10 that have already been released and 40 brand new ones. Additionally, the book offers insights into the making of the illustrations, aerial views, and stories related to the buildings. It's a nostalgic Tokyo building guide presented through the perspective of a foreign artist.
[Mateusz Urbanowicz]
Originally from Poland. After joining the anime production company Comics Wave Films, he worked on background art for numerous films under the supervision of anime director Makoto Shinkai, including "Your Name." He also gained a lot of fans worldwide as a notable illustrator who shared his work primarily on the internet.